Larry ... the Sheep writes her Blog
Hi, I’m Larry, a registered Rambouillet Sheep, this is a picture of me trying to get in the barn, I'll explain more later. Today we are...

What Is an LGD?
Hang around sheep people, or goat people, or Alpaca people (basically anything that tends to be supper for coyotes, mountain lions, or...

Spring is here ... or is it? From the viewpoint of Tom the Turkey
Tom reporting here …. I’d like to give you some background on myself. I’m a big hunk of a handsome man, so big, in fact, that sometimes...
The Model for our Farm
This is a good, quick article on Polyface farms, the farm we model our farm upon. They also have some great resources at the Polyface...

Why I Farm, And How This Impacts How I Farm
I was lucky enough to grow up on a farm. It was a large industrialized farm in Southwest Missouri where we milked 200 Holstein dairy cows...

Winter is Coming
In the Game of Thrones series, a recurring theme is that “Winter is coming”, well, here in Kentucky, Winter is here, in spades. With...

An Appreciation for Clearing Land
One of the challenges many early farmers had was pretty basic – clearing land. I remember on the family farm I grew up on, we had a large...

The Great Farm Rebellion
I travel frequently. When I do, the Saint, (the most accurate description I can think of for my loving, long enduring wife) takes care...

Great Pyrenees - How Can an Animal be so Stubborn?
When my husband and I decided to start a farm a little over a year ago, little did we know how much joy and frustration could come from...