2 to 3 lb leg of lamb, bone in.
Grass fed, light grain finishing. We provide light grain finishing to enhance the flavor profile. Antibiotic and Hormone free. This Missouri grown lamb is wonderfully fresh, and this is a great cut. If you need a 'fail safe' recipe - try this:
Put the frozen lamb in a crock pot at night. Add two cans of cream of mushroom soup and 1 packet of french onion or onion soup mix. Cook it on high overnight. In the morning flip the leg of lamb over, and turn the crock pot to low. At noon - you will have this amazing 'fall of the bone' lamb in a wonderful gravy. Whip up some mashed potatoes and you have an amazing meal. This is one of my Ed's favorite lamb dishes. Easy, foolproof, and it always impresses the guests!
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1 Pound
Excluding Sales Tax

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