Shephard Boot Camp
The Shephard Boot Camp is designed to provide a basic knowledge of all aspects of starting and managing a flock. The course is 4 days long.
The fee for this course is $750 for one person.
Two people can attend for $1,200.
The course outline is listed below. If you are interested in this course, please complete this form REGISTRATION FORM
Day 1 - The Basics
Instructor and participant introductions
Tour of Mesta Meadows Ranch and Facilities
Sharing objectives for the operation
Picking the right sheep breed:
Overview of dairy, versus wool, versus meat, versus dual purpose
What are your farm goals – just pleasure, grounds management, showring, profit, commercial and how this impacts sheep selection, etc.
Hands-on session: Meet some sheep…
Sheep containment and housing
Containment – types of fencing both permanent and temporary
Handling equipment – must have, nice to have, the ideal
What types of shelter do sheep need (and how it varies by breed)
Pasture versus barn based lambing
Temporary shelters (i.e. cattle panel ‘hoop’ barns)
Hands-on Session: Building a cattle panel hoop barn and electric-net holding pen
Handling sheep
Basics of sheep behavior
Basics of how to handle and behave around sheep
Leading versus ‘herding’
Herding dogs
“Flipping a sheep” – how to handle a sheep in the field for treatment
Hands-on Session: Flipping a sheep, moving a small flock​​​

Day 2 - Nutrition, Breeding, and Basic Health Management
Sheep Nutrition
Basics of how sheep digestion works
Different nutrition needs at different points (i.e. lambing, breeding, etc.)
Nutritional issues: acidosis, bloat, pregnancy toxemia, urinary calculi, white muscle disease (selenium deficiency) and how to avoid / treat
Hands-on Session: Determining a ration using the ration calculator spreadsheet
Parasite Management
Holistic parasite management: GWENO – Genetics, Weather, Environment (not weather), Nutrition, Operations
Barber pole worms and coccidiosis
Diagnosis: Famacha scoring, bottle jaw, and other symptoms
Natural Prevention: Multi-species grazing, tannin rich forages, nutrition
Drenches: drenching approaches, types of drenches
Hands-on Session: Famacha Scoring, drenching sheep
Breeding cycles, accelerated breeding systems
Body scoring
Ram pre-breeding checks
Hands-on Session: Pre-breeding check – ewes and rams
Hoof Care
Hoof care
Foot baths
Treating foot rot
Hands-On Session: Trimming hooves

Day 3 - Lambing and Lamb Care
Basics of lambing
Stages of lambing, what to look for
Deliver issues and how to handle them
The lambing kit - essentials
Hands-on Session: TBD
Lamb Care
Post birth – lambing, tagging, and docking
What to look for in a new born lamb, signs of trouble, chilled lambs, saving colostrum and using it
Tubing a lamb
Colostrum – milking a ewe, storing colostrum
Caring for Bummer lambs
Triplets, Quads, and what to do
Weaning lambs
Hands-on Session: Tagging and docking a lamb
Lamb Issues
Polio (Thiamine deficiency)
Hands-on Session: Pre-breeding check – ewes and rams

Day 4 - Operations and Profitability
Sales Channels
Livestock Auctions
Direct to Consumer
Breeding Stock Sales
Wholesale sales
Hands-on Session: TBD
Farm to Consumer Marketing
Building a customer base
Ecommerce marketing
Working with customers
Creating a brand
Hands-on Session: Build your brand strategy
Record Keeping
Essential records, what matters for profitability
EID tags pros and cons
Record keeping software
Estimated Breeding Values (EBV’s)
Hands-on Session: TBD
Livestock guard dogs and herding dogs​